Meaning and origin of the name Aadil

Gender: Male

Aadil is used in

Saudi Arabia


Aadil is a male name of Arabic origin. The name Aadil means "just" or "fair" in Arabic. It is a name that conveys the qualities of righteousness and equity. In Islamic tradition, being fair and just is highly valued, making Aadil a name that carries a positive and honorable meaning.

In Arabic-speaking countries, the name Aadil is well-received and is often chosen for its meaningful significance. Those named Aadil are believed to embody the virtues of fairness, honesty, and integrity. The name reflects a sense of balance and morality, making it a popular choice for families seeking a name with a strong moral foundation.

Aadil is a name that resonates with those who value justice and righteousness in their lives. It symbolizes a commitment to doing what is right and standing up for truth. The name Aadil carries a sense of honor and integrity, making it a meaningful choice for parents looking for a name that embodies these virtues.
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