Meaning and origin of the name Abdourahman

Gender: Male

Abdourahman is used in

Saudi Arabia


Origin: The name Abdourahman is of Arabic origin.

Meaning: Abdourahman is a masculine name that is derived from Arabic words "Abd" meaning servant or worshiper, and "Rahman" which refers to the Most Merciful in Islam. Therefore, Abdourahman translates to "servant of the Most Merciful" or "worshiper of the Most Merciful". It carries a strong religious significance and reflects devotion and faith.

Abdourahman is a beautiful and meaningful name that conveys a sense of humility and piety. It is a popular name among Muslim communities and is often chosen for its deep spiritual connotations. The name Abdourahman is a reminder of the importance of mercy and compassion in Islam, and serves as a constant inspiration for individuals to embody these qualities in their lives.
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