Meaning and origin of the name Adams

Gender: Male

Adams is used in


Countries where Adams has name day

Adams is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Adams's name day is December 24.

The Name Adams

The name Adams has its origin in England and is derived from the Hebrew name "Adam," which means "man" or "earth." It is a patronymic surname, meaning it signifies "son of Adam." The name Adams has variations in different languages and cultures, such as "Adamson" in Scotland and "Adamovic" in Eastern Europe.

Meaning of the Name

The name Adams carries the significance of humanity and earthiness. It symbolizes the biblical figure of Adam, the first man created by God according to the Abrahamic religions. The name is associated with qualities like strength, resilience, and connection to the earth.

Popularity and Usage

Adams is a common surname in English-speaking countries and is often used as a first name as well. It has been popularized by notable figures in various fields, including literature, politics, and entertainment. The name Adams has a timeless quality that appeals to many parents seeking a traditional yet meaningful name for their child.

Famous Bearers

Throughout history, there have been several famous individuals with the name Adams, such as John Adams, the second President of the United States, and Ansel Adams, a renowned photographer. These individuals have contributed significantly to their respective fields and have brought honor to the name Adams.
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