Meaning and origin of the name Adelaida

Adelaida is used in


Countries where Adelaida has name day

Adelaida is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Adelaida's name day is September 8.
Adelaida is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Adelaida's name day is December 16.


Adelaida is a beautiful name of Spanish origin that exudes elegance and grace. This classic name is derived from the Germanic elements "adal," meaning noble, and "haida," meaning kind, so it carries the wonderful meaning of "noble and kind." Adelaida is a name that conveys strength, sophistication, and gentleness all at once.

In addition to its Spanish roots, Adelaida is also used in various other cultures around the world, including Greek and Russian. The name has a timeless quality that transcends borders and is beloved by many for its refined and dignified sound.

Individuals named Adelaida are often seen as compassionate and caring individuals who value integrity and kindness in their interactions with others. They have a natural ability to uplift those around them and bring a sense of warmth and comfort wherever they go.

If you are considering the name Adelaida for your child, you are choosing a name that is both classic and unique, with a rich history and a beautiful meaning that will surely resonate with your little one as they grow and flourish.
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