Meaning and origin of the name Adiana

Gender: Female

Adiana is used in

Unknown Region


Origin: Adiana is a feminine name with origins in Latin.


The name Adiana is said to mean "noble" or "of nobility". It carries the idea of being dignified, honorable, and having high social status. Individuals with the name Adiana are believed to possess qualities of grace and elegance.

Personality Traits:
Those named Adiana are often described as sophisticated, confident, and poised. They tend to have a strong sense of self-worth and carry themselves with regal charm. Adianas are known for their leadership qualities and ability to inspire others.

While not a widely popular name, Adiana has been chosen by some parents for their daughters. It is unique and carries a sense of distinction.

Overall, the name Adiana reflects a sense of grace and nobility, making it a beautiful choice for a baby girl.
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