Meaning and origin of the name Adler

Gender: Male

Adler is used in

United States

Origin and Meaning of the Name Adler

The name Adler has German origins and is derived from the German word for "eagle." In Germanic cultures, the eagle has long been associated with strength, power, and nobility, making Adler a name that conveys a sense of dignity and majesty.

In addition to its German roots, Adler is also a surname of Jewish origin, with variations like "Adlerstein" meaning "eagle stone." As a first name, Adler is relatively uncommon but has a strong and striking presence.

Those named Adler are often seen as confident and ambitious individuals, with a keen sense of vision and leadership. The name carries with it a sense of freedom and independence, much like the soaring eagle it represents.

Overall, Adler is a name that exudes strength, courage, and a noble spirit, making it a fitting choice for those who embody these qualities.
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