Meaning and origin of the name Adrianna

Gender: Female

Adrianna is used in

Canada United States Poland

Countries where Adrianna has name day

Adrianna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Adrianna's name day is Mars 4.
Adrianna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Adrianna's name day is Mars 5.
Adrianna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Adrianna's name day is July 8.
Adrianna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Adrianna's name day is September 8.


Origin: The name Adrianna has Latin roots and is derived from the name Adrian, which means "from Hadria" or "dark one". Hadria was a town in northern Italy that gave its name to the Adriatic Sea.


The name Adrianna carries the essence of strength and resilience. Those named Adrianna are often described as determined and independent individuals. They have a natural ability to lead and inspire others with their charisma and confidence.


Adrianna is known for her unwavering determination and strong-willed nature. She is a natural-born leader who excels in taking charge and guiding others towards success. Her charm and charisma make her a magnetic presence in any social setting.

Famous Namesakes:

- Adrianna Papell: American fashion designer known for her elegant and sophisticated designs.
- Adrianna Costa: Television personality and host known for her work on entertainment news programs.

Celebrity Inspiration:

Adrianna Lima, the Brazilian supermodel known for her work with Victoria's Secret, embodies the grace and beauty associated with the name Adrianna. Her confidence and poise have made her a prominent figure in the fashion industry.

Overall Impression:

Those with the name Adrianna are destined for greatness. Their strong-willed nature and natural leadership abilities set them apart from the crowd. With a name that means "dark one" and "from Hadria", Adrianna exudes a sense of mystery and allure that captivates those around her.
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