Meaning and origin of the name Adrien

Gender: Male

Adrien is used in

Canada United Kingdom France

Countries where Adrien has name day

Adrien is present in the name day calendar in France and Adrien's name day is September 8.


Origin: French
Meaning: From the Latin name "Hadrianus", which means "from Hadria". Hadria was a town in northern Italy.


Adrien is a popular name for boys in France and other French-speaking countries. It has a classic and timeless feel, making it a favorite choice for parents looking for a sophisticated name for their son.

Famous Namesakes

- Adrien Brody: Academy Award-winning actor known for his roles in movies such as "The Pianist".
- Adrien Silva: Portuguese professional footballer who has played for clubs like Sporting Lisbon and Leicester City.


Those named Adrien are often seen as charismatic and charming individuals. They tend to be intelligent, creative, and have a strong sense of determination. Adrien is a name that exudes elegance and sophistication, reflecting the personality of those who bear it.


Variants of the name Adrien include Adrian, Adriano, and Hadrian. Each variant carries its own unique charm while still retaining the classic appeal of the original name.
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