Meaning and origin of the name Adrienn

Adrienn is used in


Countries where Adrienn has name day

Adrienn is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Adrienn's name day is September 8.


Origin: The name Adrienn has Hungarian origins.


The name Adrienn is a variation of the name Adriana, which is of Latin origin. It is derived from the word "Hadrianus," meaning "from Hadria" or "dark." The name is associated with qualities such as strength, resilience, and elegance.

In Hungarian culture, Adrienn is a popular name for girls and is often chosen for its beautiful sound and classic appeal. It is a unique and sophisticated name that carries a sense of grace and charm.

Nameday celebrations for Adrienn may vary based on local traditions and customs. If celebrated, it is typically observed with joy and festivity among family and friends.

Overall, the name Adrienn is a lovely choice for parents seeking a name with a rich history and a touch of timeless elegance.
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