Usage, description and more for Adulfo
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Adulfo is used in
Countries where Adulfo has name day
Adulfo has a name day in
Spain and Adulfo's next name day is January 26 (next year).
Origin and Meaning of the Name Adulfo
The name Adulfo has origins in Germanic and Spanish languages. In Germanic origins, it is derived from the elements "adal" meaning "noble" and "wulf" meaning "wolf". In Spanish, it is a variant of the name Adolfo, which also has Germanic roots. The name carries the noble connotation associated with wolves, symbolizing strength, courage, and loyalty.
Popularity and Variations
Adulfo is a unique and less common name, making it stand out among more popular names. Variations of the name in different cultures include Adolfo, Adolf, and Adolphus.
Famous Bearers
Notable individuals with the name Adulfo or its variations include historical figures, artists, and public figures who have left their mark in various fields.
Personality Traits
Individuals named Adulfo are often described as noble, courageous, and strong-willed. They possess leadership qualities and a sense of loyalty towards their loved ones. The name reflects a person who values integrity and stands by their beliefs.
Overall Impression
Adulfo is a name that exudes strength and character. With its noble origins and meaningful symbolism, it is a name that carries a sense of pride and heritage. Those named Adulfo are likely to leave a lasting impression with their determined and loyal nature.