Usage, description and more for Agustin

Gender: Male     Origin: Spanish
Also available in Spanish,

Agustin is used in

PHPhilippines USUnited States CLChile ESSpain MXMexico PEPeru BEBelgium

Origin and Meaning of the Name Agustin

Origin: The name Agustin has Latin origins.

Meaning: Agustin is derived from the Latin name "Augustinus," which means "venerable" or "great" in reference to the Roman Emperor Augustus.

Popularity: The name Agustin is popular in various Spanish-speaking countries and is a common variant of the name Augustine.

Notable Namesakes: Notable individuals with the name Agustin include Agustin Lara, a renowned Mexican composer and songwriter known for his bolero music.

Personality Traits: People named Agustin are often described as intelligent, creative, and compassionate individuals. They are known for their strong sense of loyalty and dedication to their loved ones.

Famous Figures: Famous figures named Agustin have made significant contributions in various fields, such as art, music, literature, and politics.

Celebrity Connection: Several celebrities and historical figures share the name Agustin, adding to its timeless appeal and cultural significance.

Overall, the name Agustin carries a sense of respect and admiration, reflecting the greatness associated with its Latin roots.