Usage, description and more for Aigars
Gender: Male
Also available in
Aigars is used in
Countries where Aigars has name day
Aigars has a name day in
Latvia and Aigars's next name day is August 31.
Aigars is a Latvian masculine given name with roots in the Latvian language. The name is pronounced as "IE-gars."
The name Aigars is of Latvian origin and is commonly used in Latvia and other Baltic countries. It is a unique and distinctive name that carries cultural significance.
The name Aigars is derived from the Latvian word "aiga," which means "dawn" or "daybreak." Therefore, Aigars can be interpreted as "the one who brings light" or "the one who heralds a new day."
In Latvia, Aigars may have a designated nameday, a tradition in many European countries where each day of the year is associated with one or more given names.
If you have any more questions or need further information about the name Aigars, feel free to ask!