Meaning and origin of the name Aimee

Gender: Female
Also available in French,

Aimee is used in

Switzerland France Belgium

Countries where Aimee has name day

Aimee is present in the name day calendar in France and Aimee's name day is Februari 20.


Originating from France, the name Aimee is a variant of the French name Aimée, which means "beloved" or "loved one." The name carries a sense of affection and endearment, embodying the idea of being cherished or dearly loved.

In French culture, Aimee is a popular choice for girls, reflecting sentiments of love and admiration. The name has a sweet and charming quality, making it a timeless and elegant choice for parents seeking a name with a romantic touch.

The name Aimee has a classic and feminine sound, evoking images of grace and beauty. With its heartfelt meaning, Aimee captures the essence of being loved and valued, making it a meaningful name for a beloved daughter or cherished family member.

If you are considering the name Aimee for your child, you are embracing a name with a rich history and a beautiful sentiment behind it. Embodying love and affection, Aimee is a name that resonates with warmth and heartfelt emotion.
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