Meaning and origin of the name Aivo

Gender: Male

Aivo is used in


Countries where Aivo has name day

Aivo is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Aivo's name day is December 12.


Aivo is a unique name with origins in Finland. In Finnish, Aivo is a modern variation of the traditional name Aivo or Aino. The name is derived from the word "aivo," which means "brain" or "mind" in Finnish.

Meaning of the Name

The name Aivo carries a deep significance related to intelligence, thoughtfulness, and mental prowess. It symbolizes a person who is thoughtful, intellectual, and analytical in their approach to life. Individuals named Aivo are often perceived as smart and perceptive.


In Finland, Aivo may not have a designated nameday as it is a more modern name. However, individuals named Aivo can celebrate their name on a day that holds personal significance to them.

Overall, Aivo is a name that resonates with creativity, intelligence, and a deep connection to the workings of the mind.
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