Usage, description and more for Albi

Gender: Male     Origin: FR France
Also available in Catalan, Estonian,

Albi is used in

ESSpain EEEstonia

Countries where Albi has name day

Albi has a name day in EEEstonia and Albi's next name day is Mars 24 (next year).

Origin and Meaning of the Name Albi

The name Albi is of Albanian origin and is thought to be derived from the word "alb" which means "white" in Albanian. This name is believed to be a reference to the country of Albania, known as "Shqipƫria" in Albanian, which translates to "Land of the Eagles."

Popularity and Usage

The name Albi is not commonly used as a given name in English-speaking countries, but it may be more popular in Albanian-speaking regions or among individuals of Albanian descent. Namedays may be celebrated for individuals named Albi in Albanian traditions, although specific dates may vary.

Famous Bearers

While there are no widely known celebrities or historical figures with the name Albi, it carries a unique and meaningful significance for those who identify with Albanian culture or heritage. The name Albi may also be used as a nickname or short form of longer names like Alban or Albion.

In conclusion, the name Albi offers a connection to Albanian language and culture, symbolizing qualities such as purity, brightness, and strength.