Meaning and origin of the name Alegría

Alegría is used in


Countries where Alegría has name day

Alegría is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Alegría's name day is September 8.


Alegría is a beautiful name of Spanish origin that carries a deep and joyous meaning. In Spanish, Alegría translates to "joy" or "happiness," reflecting the positive and uplifting nature of the name. It is a name that embodies a sense of optimism and brightness, bringing a sense of cheer to those who bear it.


The name Alegría has its roots in the Spanish language, where it is commonly used to evoke feelings of joy and delight. It is a name that is often associated with positivity and happiness, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that conveys a sense of celebration and laughter.


Alegría is a name that symbolizes the essence of joy and happiness. Those named Alegría are believed to possess an innate ability to bring light and positivity into the lives of those around them. With a name meaning "joy," individuals named Alegría are often seen as sources of happiness and optimism in their communities.

Overall, Alegría is a name that exudes positivity and warmth, making it a wonderful choice for anyone looking to celebrate the beauty of life and the joy it brings.
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