Meaning and origin of the name Algedas

Algedas is used in


Countries where Algedas has name day

Algedas is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Algedas's name day is May 15.
Algedas is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Algedas's name day is May 29.


Origin: The name Algedas is of Lithuanian origin.

Meaning: Algedas is derived from the Lithuanian word "alga" which means "wage" or "salary". It carries the connotation of being rewarded for one's work or efforts, symbolizing prosperity and success.

Personality Traits: Individuals named Algedas are often hardworking, ambitious, and determined. They have a strong sense of responsibility and strive for financial stability and success in their careers.

Popularity: While not a common name, Algedas is unique and carries a sense of individuality. Those with this name may stand out for their work ethic and dedication to achieving their goals.

Celebrities: There are no widely known celebrities or public figures with the name Algedas at the moment, making it a distinctive choice for parents seeking a less common name with a meaningful origin.
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