Meaning and origin of the name Alsama

Gender: Female

Alsama is used in

Saudi Arabia

Origin and Meaning of the Name Alsama

The name Alsama is of Arabic origin. In Arabic, Alsama means "the sky" or "the heavens". It is a beautiful and poetic name that evokes images of vastness and endless possibilities. The sky is often seen as a symbol of freedom and inspiration, making Alsama a meaningful choice for a child's name.

In Arabic culture, the sky holds a special significance, representing a connection to the divine and the infinite. Naming a child Alsama can be a way to express hope for their future and a reminder of the boundless potential that lies ahead.

Alsama is a unique and enchanting name that carries with it a sense of wonder and magic. Its celestial connotations make it a fitting choice for parents looking for a name that is both meaningful and beautiful.
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