Meaning and origin of the name Ambróz

Also available in Czech,

Ambróz is used in

Czechia Slovakia

Countries where Ambróz has name day

Ambróz is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Ambróz's name day is December 7.
Ambróz is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Ambróz's name day is December 7.


Ambrož is a Slovene variant of the name Ambrose.


The name Ambrož has Latin origins and is derived from the Greek name Ambrosios, meaning "immortal" or "divine".


The name Ambrož is associated with qualities such as eternal life, strength, and divine nature. It has a rich historical and religious significance.


While Ambrož may not be as common as some other names, it carries a sense of uniqueness and tradition.

Celebrity Connections

There are several notable figures with variations of the name Ambrose, adding to its timeless appeal.

Feel free to embrace the distinguished and meaningful name Ambrož for your child, embodying its profound connotations and cultural heritage.
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