Meaning and origin of the name Amor

Gender: Female

Amor is used in

Germany Philippines

Countries where Amor has name day

Amor is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Amor's name day is October 8.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Amor

The name Amor has Latin origins and it means "love" in several Romance languages. It is a beautiful and timeless name that symbolizes affection, passion, and deep emotional connections.

In Roman mythology, Amor was the god of love, often depicted as a young boy with a bow and arrows. He was responsible for causing individuals to fall in love and was associated with desire and attraction.

The name Amor has gained popularity in various cultures and regions around the world due to its universal meaning and positive connotations. It is a name that embodies the essence of love and serves as a reminder of the powerful emotions that bind people together.

If you are considering the name Amor for your child, you are choosing a name with a rich history and a profound significance. It is a name that celebrates the beauty of love and the importance of emotional connections in our lives.
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