Meaning and origin of the name Andronik‎

Gender: Male

Andronik‎ is used in

Bulgaria Croatia

Countries where Andronik‎ has name day

Andronik‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Andronik‎'s name day is October 11.


Origin: The name Andronik has Greek origins.


The name Andronik is derived from the Greek name Andronikos, which means "victory of a man" or "man of victory." It combines the Greek elements "andros" meaning "man" and "nike" meaning "victory." As such, Andronik carries connotations of strength, success, and triumph.

In Greek mythology and history, victory was highly esteemed, and names reflecting this concept were considered powerful and prestigious. The name Andronik thus embodies qualities of resilience, determination, and accomplishment.

If you are considering the name Andronik for your child, you are choosing a name with a strong and positive meaning that reflects the potential for success and triumph in life.
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