Usage, description and more for Antal
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Countries where Antal has name day
Antal has a name day in
Hungary and Antal's next name day is June 13.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Antal
Origin: The name Antal has Slavic roots and is commonly used in Hungary, Slovakia, and other Slavic countries.
Meaning: The name Antal is derived from the Latin name "Antonius," which means "priceless" or "invaluable." It is a popular name in various Slavic cultures and is often associated with strength, determination, and leadership.
In some cultures, Antal may also be used as a nickname for names such as Anthony or Anton, emphasizing the same virtues and qualities.
Nameday: The name Antal may have a designated nameday in certain regions where it is commonly used, typically celebrated in honor of a saint or historical figure associated with the name.