Meaning and origin of the name António

Gender: Male
Also available in German, Italian,

António is used in

Switzerland Germany Canada United States Spain Mexico Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where António has name day

António is present in the name day calendar in Germany and António's name day is May 6.
António is present in the name day calendar in Spain and António's name day is January 17.
António is present in the name day calendar in Spain and António's name day is August 9.
António is present in the name day calendar in Italy and António's name day is January 17.
António is present in the name day calendar in Italy and António's name day is June 13.
António is present in the name day calendar in Italy and António's name day is July 6.


The name António is of Portuguese and Spanish origin.

The name António is derived from the Latin name Antonius, which means "priceless" or "inestimable". It is a popular name in Portuguese and Spanish-speaking countries.

António is a traditional and classic name that has been popular for centuries. It is commonly used in Portugal, Spain, and other countries with Latin influence.

Famous Namesakes:
- António Guterres: Current Secretary-General of the United Nations
- António Costa: Prime Minister of Portugal
- António Lobo Antunes: Portuguese writer

Fun Fact:
In Portugal, António is often affectionately shortened to "Toni". The name carries a sense of strength, dignity, and timelessness.

Celebrate Your Name:
If your name is António, take pride in its rich history and noble meaning. Embrace the legacy of those who have borne the name before you, and let it inspire you in your own journey.
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