Meaning and origin of the name Anu

Gender: Female

Anu is used in

India Estonia Finland

Countries where Anu has name day

Anu is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Anu's name day is July 26.
Anu is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Anu's name day is December 9.


Anu is a unisex name of Finnish origin. In Finnish mythology, Anu is the god of the sky and weather. The name is also popular in India, where it is often used as a short form of names beginning with Anu-, such as Anushka or Anurag.

Meaning of the name Anu

In Finnish, the name Anu means "heaven" or "sky". It is a name that symbolizes strength, power, and protection. In Indian culture, Anu is said to mean "atom" or "minute" in Sanskrit, representing something small yet significant.

Popularity of the name Anu

While Anu may not be as common as some other names, its unique origin and powerful meaning make it a special choice for parents looking for a name with cultural significance and symbolism. Whether you choose Anu for its Finnish roots or its Indian connections, it is a name that carries a sense of mystery and authority.
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