Meaning and origin of the name Aníbal

Gender: Male

Aníbal is used in

Colombia Spain Brazil Portugal

Countries where Aníbal has name day

Aníbal is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Aníbal's name day is June 1.

Origin and Meaning of the name Aníbal

The name Aníbal has its origin in the ancient Phoenician culture. It is a variation of the name Hannibal, which means "grace of Baal" or "favor of Baal." Baal was a powerful deity worshipped in the ancient Near East.

Historical Significance

Aníbal is famously associated with the Carthaginian military commander Hannibal Barca, known for his daring military tactics during the Second Punic War against Rome. Hannibal's strategic genius and bold approach to warfare have made his name synonymous with military prowess and innovation.


The name Aníbal continues to be used in various Spanish-speaking countries, though it may not be as common as some other names. Its historical significance and unique sound contribute to its appeal for parents looking for a distinctive name with a rich cultural background.

Cultural References

In literature and popular culture, characters named Aníbal or Hannibal often embody traits of intelligence, resourcefulness, and determination. The legacy of Hannibal Barca has inspired numerous works depicting his military campaigns and strategic brilliance.

Overall, the name Aníbal carries a sense of strength, intelligence, and historical significance, making it a compelling choice for those seeking a name with a powerful legacy.
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