Meaning and origin of the name Apollónia

Also available in German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian,

Apollónia is used in

Austria Greece Hungary Italy

Countries where Apollónia has name day

Apollónia is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Apollónia's name day is Februari 9.
Apollónia is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Apollónia's name day is October 28.
Apollónia is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Apollónia's name day is July 6.
Apollónia is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Apollónia's name day is Februari 9.


Origin: Greek
Meaning: Apollónia is a feminine name of Greek origin meaning "belonging to Apollo". Apollo is the Greek god of light, healing, music, and prophecy, among other things. Therefore, the name Apollónia carries connotations of beauty, strength, and divine connection.

In Greek mythology, Apollo was associated with the sun and was one of the most important Olympian deities. As such, the name Apollónia may symbolize qualities such as creativity, leadership, and enlightenment.

The name Apollónia is not as common as some other Greek names but carries a sense of classic elegance and a strong connection to ancient Greek culture and mythology. It is a unique and striking name that can make a beautiful choice for a baby girl.

In some cultures, Apollónia may be celebrated on a nameday, although the date can vary. The name's rich history and deep-rooted significance make it a meaningful and powerful choice for parents looking for a name with a strong cultural and mythological background.
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