المعنى والأصل
الجنس: ذكر
الأصل: Egypt
الميثولوجيا: Egyptian
يُستخدم الاسم في (العربية)
معنى اسم Geb
أصل الاسم: مصري
Geb هو اسم مصري يعود إلى الحضارة القديمة. يعتبر هذا الاسم مرتبطًا بإله الأرض في الأساطير المصرية القديمة. تعني كلمة "Geb" في اللغة المصرية "الأرض" أو "التراب". ويُعتبر Geb واحدًا من الآلهة الرئيسية في الديانة المصرية القديمة، حيث كان يُعبد كإله للأرض والخصب والحياة الزراعية.
يُظهر اسم Geb قوة وثبات معنوي، حيث يرمز إلى الأرض كمصدر للحياة والغنى. ويعتبر حاملو هذا الاسم عادةً شخصيات ذات طابع ثابت وقوي، يحملون قيم الاستقرار والإيمان بالأساسيات.
Geb Egyptian الميثولوجيا
Geb in Egyptian Mythology
Geb, also known as Seb, is the god of the earth in ancient Egyptian mythology. He is often depicted lying beneath the arch of the sky goddess Nut, with his fingers and toes representing the mountains and valleys on earth.
Role and Symbolism
Geb is a significant deity in Egyptian cosmology, as he embodies the fertile and life-giving qualities of the earth. He is associated with agriculture, growth, and abundance. It is believed that the cycles of planting and harvesting are directly linked to his influence.
Family Relations
Geb is the son of Shu, the god of air, and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture. He is also the brother and husband of Nut, the sky goddess. Together, they are the parents of Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys, among others.
Mythological Stories
One of the most well-known myths involving
Geb is the conflict between his children, Osiris and Set. This myth highlights the struggle between order and chaos, with
Geb playing a crucial role in the divine hierarchy.
Worship and Cult
In ancient Egypt,
Geb was venerated as a powerful and benevolent god. His cult centers were often located in regions associated with agriculture, such as the Nile Delta. Priests and priestesses performed rituals and ceremonies to honor and appease him for a fruitful harvest.
Geb remains a prominent figure in Egyptian mythology, representing the enduring connection between the earth and its life-sustaining forces. His legacy endures in the rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices.
البحث الشائع بعد هذه الصفحة هو:
المعنى Geb - الأصل Geb - الاسم Geb -