الأسماء العربية التي تبدأ بـ

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - Š - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Ž - Å - Ä - Ö
ا - ب - ت - ث - ج - ح - خ - د - ذ - ر - ز - س - ش - ص - ض - ط - ظ - ع - غ - ف - ق - ك - ل - م - ن - ه - و - ي

المعنى والأصل

الجنس: أنثى    الميثولوجيا: Egyptian

يُستخدم الاسم في (العربية)


الأصل والمعنى

Renenutet هو اسم مصري قديم يعود إلى العصور الفرعونية. يعتبر هذا الاسم مأخوذ من إلهة المصرية رينينوتيت، التي كانت تُعبد كإلهة للحظ والمحاصيل الزراعية في مصر القديمة.


تعتبر Renenutet جزءًا من تراث وثقافة مصر القديمة، حيث كانت إلهة الزراعة والغنى والخصوبة. كانت ترمز إلى الحماية والغذاء الوفير.


يعكس اسم Renenutet معنى الحماية والرعاية والغنى. كانت الإلهة المصرية تُعتبر مصدرًا للثروة والغذاء الوفير، وكانت تلقى العديد من الصلوات والتقدير في الزراعة والحصاد.

استخدام الاسم

يُستخدم اسم Renenutet في الأوساط الحديثة كاسم فريد يرمز إلى القوة والحماية والثراء. يُعتبر اختيارًا جميلًا للآباء الذين يبحثون عن اسم مميز لطفل



Renenutet, also spelled as Ernutet or Renenūtet, is an ancient Egyptian goddess associated with nourishment, fertility, and the harvest. She is often depicted as a cobra or as a woman with the head of a cobra. Renenutet was considered a protective deity, especially for the pharaoh and the people of Egypt.

Role and Symbolism

Renenutet was primarily known as the "Nourishing Snake" or the "Lady of Fertile Fields." She was believed to oversee the fertility of the land and ensure a bountiful harvest for the people. Farmers often worshipped her to ensure the success of their crops and to protect them from famine.

Worship and Offerings

Renenutet was venerated through various rituals and offerings. Priests and priestesses dedicated temples to her and performed ceremonies to honor her role in sustaining life. Offerings of food, particularly grains and dairy products, were presented to her as a sign of gratitude for her blessings.

Mythological Stories

In Egyptian mythology, Renenutet was sometimes linked to the goddess Isis and considered a protective mother figure. She was also associated with the pharaoh's divine right to rule and the prosperity of the kingdom. Renenutet played a vital role in the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Legacy and Influence

Renenutet's significance extended beyond the agricultural domain, as she represented the cyclical nature of existence and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Her influence on Egyptian society can be seen in art, literature, and religious practices that have endured for millennia.

In conclusion, Renenutet remains a symbol of abundance and sustenance in Egyptian mythology, embodying the essential role of nourishment in the cycle of life.
البحث الشائع بعد هذه الصفحة هو:
المعنى Renenutet - الأصل Renenutet - الاسم Renenutet -