الأسماء العربية التي تبدأ بـ

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - Š - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Ž - Å - Ä - Ö
ا - ب - ت - ث - ج - ح - خ - د - ذ - ر - ز - س - ش - ص - ض - ط - ظ - ع - غ - ف - ق - ك - ل - م - ن - ه - و - ي

المعنى والأصل

الجنس: أنثى    الأصل: Egypt    الميثولوجيا: Egyptian

يُستخدم الاسم في (العربية)


اسم ويرثيكاو

أصل الاسم:

يعود اسم ويرثيكاو إلى اللغة المصرية القديمة ويعني "العظيمة من السحر".

معنى الاسم:

يعكس اسم ويرثيكاو القوة والسلطة ويُعتبر رمزًا للحماية والحكمة في الثقافة المصرية القديمة.

Werethekau Egyptian الميثولوجيا


Werethekau is an important goddess in Egyptian mythology. Her name means "she who is rich in magic" or "great enchantress." In ancient Egypt, she was believed to possess protective and healing powers.

Role in Mythology

Werethekau is often depicted as a woman with a snake-shaped headdress, symbolizing her association with magic and divine power. She was considered a guardian of the pharaoh and a protector of the gods.

Attributes and Symbols

Werethekau is closely linked to the cobra, a symbol of protection and royalty in Egyptian culture. She is also associated with the sun god Ra and the goddess Hathor. Her ability to harness magic and provide protection made her a revered deity.

Worship and Devotion

In ancient Egypt, temples were dedicated to Werethekau to honor her and seek her blessings. Priests and priestesses performed rituals and ceremonies to invoke her magic and protection. She was often called upon in times of need or illness.

Legacy and Influence

The legacy of Werethekau endures in Egyptian mythology as a powerful and benevolent goddess associated with magic and protection. Her presence in ancient texts and artifacts reflects the importance of her role in the spiritual and cultural beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.

Overall, Werethekau remains a significant figure in Egyptian mythology, embodying the mystical and protective aspects of ancient Egyptian religion.
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