Meaning and origin of the name Ariel‎

Gender: Male Female
Also available in Bulgarian, French,

Ariel‎ is used in

Bulgaria Australia Canada United Kingdom United States France Brazil Portugal

Countries where Ariel‎ has name day

Ariel‎ is present in the name day calendar in France and Ariel‎'s name day is October 1.


Origin: Hebrew

Meaning: The name Ariel is of Hebrew origin and means "lion of God" or "lioness of God". In Hebrew tradition, Ariel is a symbolic name for Jerusalem, representing strength and protection.

Popularity: Ariel is a unisex name, more commonly used for girls in recent years. It gained popularity in English-speaking countries due to its association with the character Princess Ariel in Disney's "The Little Mermaid".

Famous Namesakes: Notable individuals with the name Ariel include Israeli politician Ariel Sharon and American author Ariel Dorfman.

Personality: People named Ariel are often described as creative, compassionate, and courageous. They possess a strong sense of individuality and are natural leaders.

Variants: Variants of the name Ariel include Arielle, Ariella, and Auriel.

Overall, Ariel is a powerful and meaningful name with a rich history and positive attributes attached to it.
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