Meaning and origin of the name Arsénio

Gender: Male
Also available in Italian,

Arsénio is used in

Spain Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Arsénio has name day

Arsénio is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Arsénio's name day is July 19.
Arsénio is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Arsénio's name day is August 30.
Arsénio is present in the name day calendar in Italy and Arsénio's name day is July 19.


Arsénio is a masculine given name of Greek origin. It is derived from the Greek name "Arsenios," which means "virile" or "masculine." The name carries connotations of strength and vitality.

In Greek mythology, the god Ares was known for his courage and prowess in battle, and the name Arsénio may evoke similar qualities. Those named Arsénio are often seen as dynamic and assertive individuals who approach challenges with vigor and determination.

The name Arsénio has a classic and timeless appeal, resonating with those who value strength and resilience. It is a name that exudes confidence and leadership, making it a fitting choice for those who aspire to make a bold impact in the world.

Whether you have a personal connection to the name Arsénio or are considering it for a new addition to your family, this name carries a sense of power and vitality that can inspire those who bear it.
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