Meaning and origin of the name Arta

Gender: Female

Arta is used in


Countries where Arta has name day

Arta is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Arta's name day is December 20.


Origin: The name Arta has its origins in Albanian and Persian languages.


The name Arta holds different meanings based on its origin. In Albanian, it is associated with the word "artë" which means "gold." This reflects qualities of value, rarity, and beauty. In Persian, Arta means "truth" or "righteousness," symbolizing noble virtues and moral integrity.

Individuals named Arta are often seen as loyal, sincere, and trustworthy. They possess a strong sense of integrity and stand up for what is right. With their warm and kind-hearted nature, they naturally attract others towards them. Arta is also known for her creativity and ability to bring beauty and harmony into the world.

Famous Namesakes:
- Arta Dobroshi: A talented Albanian actress known for her roles in critically acclaimed movies.
- Arta Mandro: A successful fashion designer renowned for her innovative designs and artistic flair.

Celebrity Inspiration:
Those named Arta may find inspiration in the strong and compassionate characters portrayed by renowned actress Meryl Streep. Streep's dedication to her craft and her unwavering commitment to truth and justice resonate with the values associated with the name Arta.

In conclusion, the name Arta embodies qualities of value, truth, and beauty. Individuals with this name are admired for their integrity, creativity, and warm personality, making them truly special individuals in the eyes of many.
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