Meaning and origin of the name Artemon

Artemon is used in

Spain Romania

Countries where Artemon has name day

Artemon is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Artemon's name day is October 8.
Artemon is present in the name day calendar in Romania and Artemon's name day is April 13.


Origin: Artemón is a name of Greek origin.

Meaning: The name Artemón is derived from the Greek word "artemis" which means "safe" or "unharmed". The name carries the connotation of protection and well-being.

In Greek mythology, Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and protector of young girls. The name Artemón embodies qualities of strength, courage, and guardianship.

Fun Fact: Individuals named Artemón are often seen as reliable and caring, embodying the protective qualities associated with the name.
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