Meaning and origin of the name Atifa

Gender: Female

Atifa is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Atifa

The name Atifa is of Arabic origin and is commonly used for girls. It is pronounced ah-TEE-fah. The name Atifa holds a beautiful meaning which translates to "affectionate" or "sympathetic" in Arabic.

In Arabic-speaking countries, the name Atifa is cherished for its warm and caring connotations, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that reflects kindness and compassion. The name Atifa embodies a sense of empathy and tenderness, traits that are highly valued in many cultures.

Individuals named Atifa are often seen as nurturing and compassionate beings who prioritize the well-being of others. With its gentle sound and heartfelt meaning, the name Atifa serves as a reminder of the power of love and understanding in our relationships with one another.
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