Meaning and origin of the name Audrà

Gender: Female
Also available in Lithuanian,

Audrà is used in

United Kingdom Lithuania


Audrà is a unique and elegant name of French origin. It is the feminine form of the name Audric, which means "noble strength" or "noble ruler." This name exudes a sense of sophistication and strength, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a name that is both classic and powerful.

In addition to its French roots, Audrà has also been used in other cultures, where it is cherished for its timeless appeal and regal sound. The name Audrà carries a sense of grace and dignity, making it a fitting choice for a strong and independent individual.

If you are considering the name Audrà for your child, you can rest assured that it is a name with a rich history and a beautiful meaning. Its combination of elegance and strength makes it a wonderful choice for anyone looking for a name that will stand the test of time.

Celebrate the uniqueness and beauty of your child with the name Audrà, a name that is sure to leave a lasting impression wherever it goes.
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