Usage, description and more for Augustin
Gender: Male
Also available in
Augustin is used in
Countries where Augustin has name day
Augustin has a name day in
Austria and Augustin's next name day is July 9.
Augustin has a name day in
Germany and Augustin's next name day is May 27.
Augustin has a name day in
France and Augustin's next name day is May 27.
Augustin has a name day in
Croatia and Augustin's next name day is May 27.
Augustin has a name day in
Slovakia and Augustin's next name day is August 28.
Origin: The name Augustin has Latin origins and is derived from the name Augustinus, which means "venerable" or "majestic." It is a variant of the name Augustus, which was a title given to Roman emperors.
Meaning: The name Augustin carries connotations of respect and admiration. Those named Augustin are often seen as noble and dignified individuals.
Popularity: Augustin is a classic name that has been used throughout history. While it may not be as common as some other names, it has a timeless quality that appeals to many parents looking for a traditional yet distinctive name for their child.
Famous Namesakes: Some famous individuals with the name Augustin include Saint Augustine, a renowned theologian and philosopher, and Augustin-Jean Fresnel, a French engineer known for his work in optics.
Variants: Variants of the name Augustin include Augustine, August, and Augustus. Each variant carries a similar meaning of reverence and grandeur.
In conclusion, the name Augustin is a timeless and noble choice with a rich history and significance.