Usage, description and more for Augusts
Gender: Male
Also available in
Augusts is used in
Countries where Augusts has name day
Augusts has a name day in
Latvia and Augusts's next name day is August 3.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Augusts
The name Augusts has Latin origins, derived from the word "augustus," meaning "venerable" or "dignified." It was originally a title given to Roman emperors, suggesting a sense of dignity and authority.
Popularity and Variations
In some countries, Augusts is a popular given name for boys. Variations of the name can include August, Augustus, and Augustas, each with its own unique charm and significance.
Famous Bearers of the Name
Throughout history, there have been notable individuals named Augusts or its variations. These include influential figures in politics, literature, and the arts, adding to the name's rich legacy and cultural significance.
Personality Traits
Those named Augusts are often described as dignified, intelligent, and charismatic individuals. They possess a strong sense of leadership and have a natural ability to command respect from others.
Celebrate Your Name
If your name is Augusts, embrace its historical significance and the qualities it represents. Wear it proudly as a symbol of dignity, intelligence, and leadership in all your endeavors.