Usage, description and more for Augustýn
Also available in
Augustýn is used in
Countries where Augustýn has name day
Augustýn has a name day in
Czechia and Augustýn's next name day is August 28.
Augustýn has a name day in
Poland and Augustýn's next name day is April 29.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Augustýn
The name Augustýn has its origins in Latin, derived from the name "Augustinus," which means "venerable" or "dignified." It is a variant of the name "Augustine" and is commonly used in Czech and Slovak cultures.
In some Czech and Slovak calendars, Augustýn is assigned a nameday, typically celebrated on a specific day of the year. Namedays are often associated with saints or historical figures, providing individuals named Augustýn with a special day to celebrate their name.
Whether you have this name or are considering it for a child, Augustýn carries a strong and dignified meaning that can be a source of pride and honor.