Meaning and origin of the name Auguszta

    Origin: Hungary
Available languages Hungarian,

Auguszta is used in


Countries where Auguszta has name day

Auguszta has a name day in Hungary and Auguszta's next name day is December 18.


Origin: Hungarian
Meaning: The name Auguszta is of Hungarian origin and is a variation of the name Augusta. It is derived from the Latin word "augustus," which means great, venerable, or majestic.

Popularity and Usage

In Hungary, the name Auguszta is not very common but is still used in some regions. It carries a sense of elegance and dignity, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a sophisticated name for their child.

Celebrity Namesakes

While there may not be many famous individuals with the name Auguszta, those who do bear this name often embody qualities of strength, grace, and resilience.


The nameday for Auguszta may vary depending on local traditions and calendars, but it is not as widely celebrated as some other names in Hungary.

Overall, Auguszta is a unique and charming name with a rich history and a touch of regal sophistication. It is a name that can set its bearer apart and leave a lasting impression on those they meet.
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