Meaning and origin of the name Aurélio

Gender: Male
Also available in Italian,

Aurélio is used in

Switzerland United States Colombia Spain Italy Brazil Portugal

Countries where Aurélio has name day

Aurélio is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Aurélio's name day is July 27.

Meet Aurélio


The name Aurélio is of Latin origin, derived from the name Aurelius.


The name Aurélio signifies "golden" or "gilded" in Latin, reflecting qualities of brightness and preciousness.

Aurélio is a distinguished name with a rich history, resonating with elegance and sophistication.

If you are considering the name Aurélio for your child, you are choosing a name that exudes a sense of luxury and beauty.

Overall, Aurélio is a timeless and charming choice for those seeking a name with a touch of opulence and grace.
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