Meaning and origin of the name Bartosz

Bartosz is used in


Countries where Bartosz has name day

Bartosz is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Bartosz's name day is April 21.


Origin: The name Bartosz originated from Poland, which has a rich history and culture.


The name Bartosz is derived from the Latin name "Bartolomaeus," which means "son of Talmai" or "ploughman." It carries a strong and masculine connotation, reflecting qualities such as strength, hard work, and determination.

In Polish culture, the name Bartosz is associated with individuals who are seen as reliable, responsible, and dedicated. It is a name that signifies a person who is committed to their goals and values, making them a respected member of their community.

If you know someone named Bartosz, you can appreciate their steadfast nature and their ability to overcome challenges with perseverance and resilience. The name Bartosz carries a sense of tradition and honor, reflecting the deep-rooted values of Polish heritage.

Overall, the name Bartosz is a powerful and meaningful choice for those who embody the qualities of strength, hard work, and dedication in all aspects of their lives.
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