Meaning and origin of the name Bernabe

Gender: Male

Bernabe is used in

Philippines Spain

Countries where Bernabe has name day

Bernabe is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Bernabe's name day is June 11.


Bernabé is a name of Spanish origin that derives from the Greek name Barnabas. The name comes from the Greek word "barnabas," which means "son of encouragement" or "son of consolation."


The name Bernabé has its roots in the New Testament, where Barnabas was an early Christian disciple in Jerusalem. He was known for his generosity and was a companion of the apostle Paul during his missionary journeys.


The name Bernabé carries the connotation of being a source of comfort and support to others. It symbolizes empathy, kindness, and encouragement - qualities that are highly valued in various cultures and societies.

If you choose the name Bernabé for your child, you are bestowing upon them a name that reflects the virtues of compassion and solidarity.
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