Meaning and origin of the name Betsy

Gender: Female

Betsy is used in

United Kingdom


The name Betsy is of English origin and is a diminutive of the name Elizabeth. It is commonly used as a standalone name as well as a nickname for girls. The name Betsy means "God is my oath" or "consecrated to God", stemming from the Hebrew name Elisheva. It has a strong biblical connection, as Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist in the Bible. The name Betsy exudes charm and friendliness, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a classic yet approachable name for their daughter.

In modern times, Betsy has a timeless appeal and carries a sense of tradition while still feeling fresh and contemporary. Its soft sound and endearing quality make it a beloved choice for many families. Whether as a full name or a nickname, Betsy radiates warmth and positivity, embodying qualities of grace and strength. If you're considering the name Betsy for your little one, you're embracing a name with a rich history and a bright future.
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