Meaning and origin of the name Blaž

Gender: Male

Blaž is used in

Croatia Belgium

Countries where Blaž has name day

Blaž is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Blaž's name day is Februari 3.


The name Blaz is of Slovene origin and is a variant of the name Blaise. It is derived from the Latin name Blasius, which means "lisping" or "stuttering." In Roman Catholic tradition, Saint Blaise is the patron saint of throat ailments, and his feast day is celebrated on February 3rd. The name Blaz is a unique and strong name with a rich historical significance.

In terms of personality, individuals named Blaz are often described as confident, charismatic, and creative. They possess a natural charm and have a talent for inspiring others. Blaz is a name that exudes leadership qualities and a sense of determination. Those with this name are known for their bold and adventurous spirit, always seeking new challenges and experiences.

Overall, the name Blaz carries a sense of individuality and originality. It is a name that stands out and leaves a lasting impression. If you are considering the name Blaz for your child, you are choosing a name with a strong and distinguished heritage.

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