Meaning and origin of the name Bogomil‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian, Polish,

Bogomil‎ is used in

Bulgaria Poland

Countries where Bogomil‎ has name day

Bogomil‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Bogomil‎'s name day is January 6.


Bogomil is a Slavic name that has origins in the Old Slavic language. The name is derived from the elements "bogu" meaning "god" and "milu" meaning "favor" or "grace". When combined, Bogomil translates to "favor of god" or "grace of god".

In Slavic cultures, names often carry significant meanings and are chosen to reflect positive qualities or blessings. As such, Bogomil is a name that conveys a sense of divine favor or grace bestowed upon the individual. It symbolizes a connection to the spiritual realm and highlights the importance of divine blessings in one's life.

Names like Bogomil are not only a form of identification but also carry a sense of spirituality and cultural heritage. The name's rich etymology adds depth and significance, making it a meaningful choice for those seeking a name with a profound and positive connotation.
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