Meaning and origin of the name Borislav‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian, Polish,

Borislav‎ is used in

Bulgaria Croatia Poland Serbia

Countries where Borislav‎ has name day

Borislav‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Borislav‎'s name day is May 2.
Borislav‎ is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Borislav‎'s name day is October 23.


Borislav is a Slavic name that is commonly used in countries such as Russia, Bulgaria, and Serbia. The name is composed of the elements "boru" meaning "battle" and "slav" meaning "glory" or "fame". Therefore, Borislav can be interpreted to mean "glorious fighter" or "famous in battle".

In Slavic cultures, names often carry deep meanings and are chosen with care to reflect positive qualities or hopes for the child's future. Borislav is a strong and noble name that conveys bravery and honor.

People named Borislav are often seen as courageous and determined individuals who are not afraid to face challenges head-on. They are known for their leadership qualities and ability to inspire others.

If you know a Borislav, consider yourself lucky to be in the presence of someone with such a powerful and meaningful name.
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