Usage, description and more for Borko

Gender: Male     Origin: BG Bulgaria
Also available in Bulgarian,

Borko is used in

BGBulgaria HRCroatia SISlovenia

Countries where Borko has name day

Borko has a name day in HRCroatia and Borko's next name day is September 5.


Borko is a Slavic name that is popular in countries such as Serbia, Bulgaria, and Macedonia. The name has a strong and masculine sound to it, making it a common choice for boys.


The name Borko is of Slavic origin, derived from the word "bor," which means "battle" or "fighter." It carries connotations of strength, courage, and perseverance.


The name Borko signifies a warrior or a fighter, reflecting qualities of bravery and determination. Those named Borko are often seen as strong individuals who are ready to face challenges head-on.

If you know someone named Borko, you can be sure they possess the qualities of a true fighter, always ready to stand up for what they believe in.