Meaning and origin of the name Božidar

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Božidar is used in

Bulgaria Croatia Serbia

Countries where Božidar has name day

Božidar is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Božidar's name day is June 19.
Božidar is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Božidar's name day is December 25.

Origin and Meaning of the name Božidar

The name Božidar is of Slavic origin, derived from the elements "bozy" meaning "divine" or "god" and "dar" meaning "gift". Therefore, the name Božidar can be interpreted as "God's gift" or "gift from heaven".

Popularity and Usage

The name Božidar is a popular choice in Slavic countries such as Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia. It carries a strong and noble meaning that resonates with many parents looking for a name with spiritual significance.

Famous Bearers

Throughout history, there have been notable figures with the name Božidar. This includes Božidar Maslaric, a Serbian painter known for his unique style, and Božidar Maljković, a successful basketball coach from Croatia.

Celebrity Influence

With its rich history and meaningful connotations, the name Božidar has caught the attention of celebrities seeking distinctive names for their children. Its unique sound and powerful meaning make it a compelling choice for those looking for a name with a strong cultural heritage.

In conclusion, the name Božidar is a timeless and meaningful choice with a deep-rooted history in Slavic culture. Its divine origins and noble significance make it a name that carries weight and symbolism, appealing to those who value tradition and spirituality.
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