Meaning and origin of the name Buthayna

Gender: Female

Buthayna is used in



The name Buthayna is of Arabic origin.

Buthayna is a beautiful Arabic name that means "soft and delicate like a dewdrop". It is often used to describe someone with a gentle and serene nature.

Individuals named Buthayna are typically known for their calm and composed demeanor. They are caring, empathetic, and have a nurturing personality. Buthayna is someone who values harmony and peace in relationships.

Those with the name Buthayna are often admired for their gracefulness and elegance. They have a natural charm that draws others towards them. Buthayna is a name that exudes beauty and sophistication.

Famous Namesakes:
There are no widely known public figures or celebrities with the name Buthayna at this time.

Overall, Buthayna is a name that carries a sense of tranquility and refinement, making it a lovely choice for a baby girl.
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