Meaning and origin of the name Bérénice

Gender: Female
Also available in French,

Bérénice is used in

United Kingdom Spain France

Countries where Bérénice has name day

Bérénice is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Bérénice's name day is October 4.
Bérénice is present in the name day calendar in France and Bérénice's name day is October 4.


Origin: Berenice is a name of Greek origin. It is derived from the Greek name Fe?e???? (Pherenike), which means "bringer of victory".


The name Berenice carries the beautiful connotation of being victorious or bringing victory. It symbolizes strength, triumph, and success.


There is no specific nameday associated with the name Berenice, but it is celebrated by those who bear the name or by their loved ones to honor them.

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